Plastic Injection Mold

ZOWMAX believes that mold making begins with the excellent mold design capability and consider it to be the key of successful production of high quality plastic part.

We have invested in both human resource and technology to ensure that our designs meet your highest expectations.

ZOWMAX has experienced plastic injection mold design engineers and machinists who can work together to assist you with:

Part Design for Manufacture ability(DFM)
Choosing a Texture
Verifying Tolerances
Cycle time improvements
Tool Lifetime
Moldflow analysis
Review of final tooling designs
Slide selection & options
Tooling & Production in China
Cooling System Options
Materials & Resin Selection
Identifying Critical Dimensions
Gate Placement and Options
Hot Runner options and cost benefits
Draft requirements
Potential flow issues
Tool Material/Steel Selection
Runner system selections

ZOWMAX is an experienced manufacturer in China, specialized in plastic injection molding and injection molds.

ZOWMAX has extensive CAD/CAM platforms and Engineering database transfer process to provide excellent flexibility to our clients. We use professional software to deal with 2D drawing in DXF, DWG, and 3D data in PRT, IGS, STP, X_T, SLDPRT format etc.

MoldFlow Mold Advisor (Plastic flow/deform simulation)
AutoCAD (2D Modeling)
Unigraphics (3D Modeling)
Pro/ENGINEER (3D Modeling)
SolidWorks (3D Modeling)
MasterCAM (CNC Programming)
Unigraphics (CNC Programming)